Sunday, 31 May 2020
Beverley and Barmston drain at the end of May
Friday, 29 May 2020
Midmeredales and Foredyke Green revisited
I went to Wilberforce Wood and Foredyke Green this afternoon: a walk in the woods and grassland and some dragonfly surveys of the two ponds in the area. It was another sunny, warm day with a light breeze. We have become accustomed to this Mediterranean weather during the lockdown. In fact, they have just announced on the news that we've had the sunniest spring since records began and the driest May in England in over a century. I hadn't visited the site since last summer, and as I approached the Midmeredales pond I was expecting it to be dry. The ditches were bone dry. It was quite surprise to see that it had more water than when I first visited it early last summer. The paths had signs of having been very muddy in recent months, it is only and the end of February that the rain eased after a very wet autumn and winter, so the water table must have been very high in the area.
I walked around the pond. There is broad-leaved pondweed, some large water plantain and a reed bed on one side, the water looks quite transparent. Soon, several pairs of Azure damselflies make themselves apparent, ovipositing together. There is also one Blue-tailed Damselfly and a Broad-bodied Chaser flies around a couple of times without obviously settling.After a while, I walk to Foredyke Green. Both sites are adjacent, but unfortunately they have different names. Foredyke Green Stream, a large dyke, has no visible Odonata. Foredyke Green pond (below) is looking magnificent, high water level, lush aquatic vegetation, and plenty of dragonflies and damselflies.
As soon as I arrive I'm surprised to spot a male Emperor dragonfly presiding over the pond. It is exactly one month earlier than the first record of this species last year in Hull Dragons. It doesn't look like is stopping, I try for a few in flight shots, but I'm very rusty, and it takes me a while to get my eyes used to following its fast flight, it has been many months without dragonflies!It is much easier to photograph the Four-spot Chasers, which like to hunt from a perch. There is a male and a female about, I see a short chase, but I end up photographing the two different individuals when they settle.
Whitethroats, Chiffchaff and Willow warbler singing too. A good walk this afternoon.
Tuesday, 26 May 2020
Migrants Way. Stage 5. Withernsea to Tunstall
We are now on the West!
Just at the beach by Tunstall drain at Sand-le-Mere the Greenwich Meridian touches land (TA3183831180). A Greenwich Meridian marker was erected in 1999, unfortunately just 3 m from the cliff edge. It only took four years to fall onto the beach. It might not be easy to find now.
In this section of the coast, just off sea, intertidal peat deposits often include preserved ghostly stumps and roots of ancient trees which are sometimes revealed at spring tides. On OS maps these are marked labelled ‘submarine forests’ at Withernsea (‘Noah’s wood’), Redhouse Farm, Sand-le-Mere and off Tunstall caravan park. The wooded remains are revealed by the movement of sands over the clay. Today, I couldn't believe my luck when I got to Sand-le-Mere, as the receding tide had exposed some tree stumps. On the way back, at low tide, large areas of clay and silty soil were exposed and I was thrilled to explore the submarine forest and have my lunch sitting by a large fallen trunk. Some of the large tree trunks in the clay still have bark on them.
In his 1841 book “The History and Antiquities of the Seigniory of Holderness” George Poulson described such an exposure of the submarine forest in the north beach of Withernsea, by Owthorne, which I quote entirely here:
“The spring tides of about the 26th December 1839 having laid bare to a great extent the bed of a morass or submerged forest which lies at about three quarters ebb on the seashore off Owthorne in Holderness have thereby exposed to view the organic remains of a distant and unknown era consisting of trees of various kinds with their branches bark and more or less flattened by the weight of the superincumbent earth by which they have been covered acorns hazel nuts leaves and roots of reeds etc all embedded amongst decomposed vegetable matter. Adjoining these are beds of the shells of the river or fresh water mussel but they are in such a state of decomposition that they will not bear removing they lay embedded on clay which appears to have been the bottom of a fresh water lake The morass likewise contains bones of various animals and on the 28th December a boy of the name of Robinson dug up a stag's horn supposed of the elephus or red deer which is in a most wonderful state of preservation it is 10 inches in circumference at the root the length to the top branches is 2 feet 2 inches the top or leading branch was broken off in getting it out of the earth and the brow antler was unfortunately cut off by the spade the two lower inward branches are one 12 the other 14 inches long from the root to the top of the outward branch it measures 2 feet 9 inches There was lately found also by the Rev Thomas Mounsey at Owthorne upon the sands near the foot of the cliff from whence it had probably not been long dislodged as it is in a most perfect state an elephant's tooth not having suffered in the least degree any abration which would have been the consequence of long agitation by the waves It weighed nearly 71bs It is a most beautiful specimen and is in the possession of Mr William Little of Pattrington"
Featured bird: Skylark
All through this walk, the Skylark song has been a constant companion. Skylark are birds of open grassy spaces and they thrive in traditional farmland. The sharp declines in Skylark population numbers in the mid 70s mirrors what has happened to most farmland birds with the intensification of agriculture and declines of plants seeds during winter due to efficient harvesting, herbicide use and the change from spring sown to autumn sown crops, meaning reductions in winter stubble fields. More research is ongoing, to understand the changes in this Red listed species. Skylarks are resident in the area, but migration from the continent produces a clear peak of birds in the autumn, when small loose flocks pass over giving their chirruping call.Walk information
May. 11 km circular. Start: Withernsea Pier entrance gate TA343279. End at Tunstall Seaside Lane. The beach is accessible through the north promenade (steps, and one ramp) and at Sand-le-Mere. Public toilets by Withernsea Valley Gardens, near Pier Towers.qMore information
Sheppard, J. A. 1957. The Medieval Meres of Holderness. Transactions and Papers (Institute of British Geographers) 75–86.Poulson, G. 1841 “The History and Antiquities of the Seigniory of Holderness”
Monday, 25 May 2020
Urban birding at Hull: a walk to Pickering Park