Saturday 25 April 2020

Urban birding at Hull: a walk to The Deep

Saturday morning, I decide to walk to The Deep, about 45 minutes walk away from home. I take a route across little green spaces. This is a nice large grassy plot behind Hull Truck theatre with some large trees in it.

I walk quickly through the city centre and slow down when I get to Queen's gardens. There is a new set of mallard ducklings with their mother, keeping to the marginal plants, away from the always watching eyes of two pairs of Herring Gulls. No Greylags today. The gardens are completely empty of people.
Queen's gardens ponds.
Then I walk by St Mary's Church, that has a lovely courtyard.

I make my way to the River Hull near the Hull and East Riding Museum. Two Blackbirds are making a big fuss about a Magpie, sometimes mobbing it, sometimes being chased, and I'm interrupted from following their interaction by dozens of Herring and Lesser black-back gulls taking to the air calling, flocks of Feral Pigeons crossing the river in a rush, followed by goldfinches. I watch a carrion crow flapping laboriously, climbing up. There is a raptor somewhere. I look up and see a large gliding raptor silhouette with long, narrow wings, an Osprey! I manage a few shots, only the top one clear. Eventually the Osprey slowly drifts to the north and disappears over the rooftops. The crow never reached it. One of those truly magical moments, and lucky to witness it in an urban setting!
The tide is high. I cross Scale Lane bridge and walk towards The Deep. A Blackcap sings from a sea buckthorn.
After a quick watch of the estuary, it's time to walk back. No waders by The Deep or in the river.
On the way back, two Pied Wagtails feed on a grassy area near home.

Bird list
  1. Blackbird
  2. Blackcap 
  3. Blue Tit 
  4. Carrion Crow 
  5. Chaffinch 
  6. Collared Dove 
  7. Dunnock
  8. Feral Pigeon
  9. Goldfinch 
  10. Great Tit 
  11. Greenfinch 
  12. Herring Gull 
  13. House Sparrow 
  14. Lesser Black-backed Gull 
  15. Magpie 
  16. Mallard 
  17. Moorhen 
  18. Osprey 
  19. Pied Wagtail 
  20. Robin 
  21. Starling 
  22. Woodpigeon 
  23. Wren

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