Monday 28 February 2022

A breezy walk along the urban Humber

I walked to Albert Dock today and then East until the Siemens factory along the urban Humber and then returning along the same route until the River Hull. A stiff southerly wind with occasional drizzle made the walk hard going at times. As I was crossing the lock gates at Albert Dock I had a lovely surprise when I  found that the Yorkshire Belle was docked there. I mentioned it to a passer by, who said it comes to Hull for a yearly inspection, the further it travels from Bridlington.  

Yorkshire Belle.
The roman numerals indicating water height just outside the Albert Dock lock gates.
Threatening clouds and low tide at Ha'penny Bridge.
The river Hull.
Tufted Duck pair at Half-tide basin.
Pair of Lesser Black-backed Gulls back at the Half-tide basin.
Curlew foraging on the sea wall near Half-tide Basin. It kept probing in the cracks between the rocks.

Another Curlew, this one by Corinthians Way.

A Blackthorn starting to bloom near Corinthians Way
Young Herring Gull with stick.
A very nice surprise to end the walk, with an Oystercatcher feeding on the mudflats by Siemens.
This Redshank was quite close on the Half-tide basin on the way back.
The pair of Mute Swans were not together today. One, I believe the cob, was at Half-tide Basin and the other (this one) at Plimsoll way, feeding on the plentiful underwater vegetation.
Curlew near Scale Lane bridge.
Some Redshank dispute upstream of Scale Lane bridge.

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