Thursday 5 August 2021

Beverley Westwood in August

 The members of the lab at work met for a picnic at the Westwood, the first time we meet face to face as a group since the lockdown. It was a glorious day, sunshine, a light breeze. We got there early and took a walk in Burton Bushes. As we came out onto the south-facing side of the woodland, there were many Migrant Hawkers feeding, a few Common darters were also about.

After a walk around the common, we returned to the Burton Bushes for a picnic. I did a butterfly list, the most notable fresh Peacock and Painted Lady and a Common Blue. There were hundreds of migrant hawkers on the wing, feeding on the sheltered grassland. It was a wonder to behold!

Common Blue.
Common Green Grasshopper.
Dor beetle, Geotrupes sp.

The underside of Dor beetles is metallic blue and the mites that hang on to the beetle are visible.
a smaller, unidentified dung beetle.

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