Monday, 17 March 2025

Holderness: Hedon, Preston, Wyton and Bilton

I restart the Holderness walks this year today. I take the 75 East Yorkshire bus to Hedon Church lane and then walk to Preston via public rights of way away from roads, then lunch at Sandhill Garden centre, across fields to Wyton and then to Bilton ASDA to catch the bus back home. It is cold but bright and there is little wind, ideal for a walk. I cross the Withernsea railway line and walk north towards Preston West end. Skylarks and Linnets sing. Two Roe Deer eye me suspiciously in the distance. Today's walk involves public rights of way across fields, but the ground is dry. About 9.5 km.

Roe Deer. One of them seems to have a bald back.
Along a field margin towards Preston.
A Reed Bunting by Cranswick. There is also a Yellowhammer singing, but I don't spot it.
A cobbled lane towards Preston church.
The parish church of all Saints appears at the end of the lane.
All Saints church, a Grade I listed building. Starlings call from the tower
Starling atop the church.
Four Roe Deer run away south of Wyton.
Their pompom rear ends bright white and fluffed up.
A rookery at Wyton.
Courting Rooks, one flapping and begging noisily, the pair by their nest.
Wyton chapel.
There was much evidence of rabbits on the hedges along the way, but this and another one which hid nearby were the only ones I spotted.

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