Monday, 3 March 2025

A walk around Orchard Park

A cold day with light cloud and hazy sunny spells, the spring-like feeling is quickly reinforced as I alight from the bus at St Marys and I hear a cacophony of a strange song. There is a small flock of Redwings chorusing (top shot). I have witnessed this before, all singing from the same tree and light rattly calls as they squabble also heard. They must be getting ready to travel back to their breeding areas. So many birds were singing and displaying, this is a selection of photos of the walk today. A total of 38 species seen or heard.

Displaying Carrion Crow.
A very demonstrative Starling singing away.
Greenfinch singing.
One of two Little Grebes at the Barmston Drain, trilling, seen from Endyke Ln.
Song Thrush.
A pair of Mute Swans swam under the Endyke lane bridge over the drain.
Goldfinch singing.
A Moorhen feeding on the grass by the drain.
Long-tailed tit. A pair seem to be alarming around a patch of brambly scrub, maybe nesting.
A flock of about 100 Pink-footed Geese flying north.
Kestrel near the Counter Dyke.
This Woodpigeon was displaying to another, looking quite magnificent.
Two female Blackbirds doing the slow chase, one of them barely had a tail.
Great Spotted Woodpecker chipping by Oppy Wood.
Drake Mallard at the new fishing lake.
Little Egret.
Common Gulls and Black-headed Gulls loafing.
A Green Woodpecker called repeatedly by this field just over the city limit by Middledyke Lane. 

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