Sunday, 23 March 2025

Blackcap and Reed Bunting at Sculcoates

A cool day with barely a breeze, mostly overcast. I head to the patch as I haven't been in a while. At Pearson Park, a Sparrowhawk is flushing the feral pigeons and in turn being harassed by two Carrion Crows. The female Greylag is on eggs on the island, with the gander keeping watch from the shore. A moorhen is also on eggs in the hollow willow trunk. The Common Gulls appear to have gone.

Moorhen on nest.

The deeper, more nasal calls of the returned Lesser Black-backed Gulls is all round, gathering and flying over calling together and seemingly attracting all those around, as the group increased in size.

It is a great bird chorus at Sculcoates, with at least three Chiffchaffs calling. I hear a Blackcap (number 83 for the challenge in the wilderness across the drain, with plenty of undergrowth and ivy clad trees. Then a Reed Bunting, only the second I see in the patch, sings from the bushes by the cycle path over the drain, then flies to the reeds. Overall, 36 sp at the patch, which must be one of the highest counts.

Reed Bunting singing.
Lesser Black-backed Gulls.
Little Grebe. At least 3 in the patch, with a pair trilling, I wonder if they will stay to breed again this year.
Jackdaw at the playing fields.
The only Common Gull I saw today, a young of last year.

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