Saturday, 22 February 2025

Pickering Park WeBS February

A sunny, mild day with a spring-like feel, I head towards my monthly Pickering Park Wetland Bird Survey. On the way, I find the leucistic male blackbird by Greggs, I'm glad it is still there. It is doing the slow chasing with another male blackbird and it appears to win.

Leucistic Blackbird.

As I watch some Carrion Crows posturing, slow flying and calling I notice a raptor, it's a Red Kite! (number 76 of the 100 birds in Hull challenge). I will blog about Red Kites in Hull in the next Urban Birds at Hull post.

Red Kite, flying south west over Boothferry Road.

Canada Geese on the playing fields. There are no Goosander at the lake, but the Mute Swans are busking around the lake, chasing geese. The female even busks towards me from the middle of the lake, while I record a video, and gives me a mock wing flap!

A magpie picking nest material.

Song Thrush singing.

A male Great Spotted Woodpecker drumming, another responding in the distance.


A Lesser Black-back Gull, one of a pair, the second I see this year.

The Lesser Black-backed Gull.

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