Monday 2 October 2023

A walk to Orchard Park

A 20 km circular walk from home to Orchard Park, recording urban wildlife. A pleasant day, with no wild and sunny conditions, which started cool. These are just a selection of highlights.

Very active Grey Squirrels hoarding acorns and conkers for their winter store.
This was one of my favourite finds of the day. A male Lesser Stag Beetle. I don't normally see them this late in the year.
A few Jackdaws fed on a paddock with horses.
Common Darter, the only I saw.
This pair of Rooks were calling and displaying. The one on the right had a full gular pouch, and it appeared to pass something to the one on the left...
When I looked at the photos, I realised it was an acorn!
I had been hearing Long-winged Coneheads with the bat detector, but this basking females was the only one I saw.
Red Admiral. One of many!
I returned via the Beverley and Barmston Drain. There were many Garden Spiders on the banks.
Speckled Wood.
I saw a family of Mute Swans resting on the bank of the drain. Six cygnets and an adult pair. I wonder if they are the same ones I see at Sculcoates although it's 3.5 km distance to travel along the drain. It would be coincidental to have two families with 6 cygnets though.
The swans are not too bothered by my presence. They are busy preening.
Just before I walk by them I find a Willow Emerald Damselfly.

I walk past slowly, trying to keep my distance. As I get to the other side the cob does a grunting and flapping display, and the cygnets respond with greeting grunts and nods.

A basking male Migrant Hawker. Several seen today, but this is the only one I could photograph.
Bramble blossom and a Common Carder Bee.
A Red-eared Slider has managed to climb onto a fallen tree, still covered on clumps of duckweed.
I detect a Roesel's singing intermittently. I manage to spot it and realise it is climbing and calling. As it is arriving to the top of the perch, a passing wasp makes if dive to the bottom of the clump of grass.
Male Roesel's Bush-cricket, long-winged form.
As I get to Endyke Lane, a Kestrel flies over and lands by a chimney pot (top shot).

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