Tuesday 14 September 2021

Urban birding at Hull: Sculcoates week 37


A mild, overcast day with dark cloud. As I pass the playing fields, I note that a Herring Gull on the flashlights has already moulted into winter plumage. I do my usual circuit walking along the drain and stopping by the north cemetery and then the river. A Kestrel flies over the cemetery again, I must have flushed it. David L. has started mowing the meadows, and this must be attractive to the kestrels to hunt for voles. 

Patches of Azolla have become more apparent on the drain, amongst the carpet of duckweed.
I pay some attention to spiders. The adult Linyphia is now quite apparent, a pair visible on the brambles.
Linyphia triangularis.
Garden spider, Araneus diadematus.
On the river there is not much. Just a handful of Black-headed gulls and immature herring gulls. Three cormorants roost near the Reckitt Chimney, just out of the patch area. A Feral Pigeon fledglings beg to a parent.

There is a moorhen by the bridge.
I hear the whistling of a gull, and I can spot a juvenile in the Rix area with an adult.

I add German Wasp to the patch list before it starts to rain and I head home.

German wasp.

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