A cool, overcast day with an easterly breeze and drizzle in the afternoon. I headed for Kiplingcotes, a tranquil spot in the Wolds. On the drive there, I had already come across two Red Kites. As I was getting out of the car I heard the barking of a roe deer, which is an alarm call. There was a buck on the field opposite, barking and staring at me, and then bounding away.
Red Kite
Willow Warbler.
Sunny spells never materialised, so there were few butterflies and other insects, but it was compensated by the flowering plants. Pyramidal Orchid.
Pill Millipede.
Small Heath.
Wild Pansies.
After exploring the nature reserve, I headed towards Kiplingcotes Station. I heard the Tree Sparrows calling from the hedgerows around the farm by the nature reserve. One was sitting on top of its nest. After I took this photo it disappeared under the eaves.
A Tree Sparrow on the farm roof with a beak full of craneflies.
Hovering Buzzard.
Kidney Vetch, a plant of chalk grassland.
Common Spotted Orchid.
There are some great views from the Hudson Way, especially when you go over a bridge near the station. At the station I hear a tit song, reminscent of a coal tit, but I can't find the bird, it was either a Willow or a Marsh tit. More Tree Sparrows are nesting in the station buildings, but there is no trace of the colony of House Martins that used to be there.
Tree Sparrow at Kiplingcotes station.
Tame Robin.
I scan the fields after the station. A pair of Lapwings are near a congregation of very noisy Rooks with their fledglings. I also spot 2 hares.
Bullfinch feeding on the path.
Rook fledgling with parent.
Unfortunately, shortly after Kiplingcotes station it starts to drizzle so I walk in the rain all the way back to the car with not many photographic opportunities.
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