The Stock Doves were very active, chasing, doing circular display flights and cooing with that unique call of theirs that I read somewhere is reminiscent of a lions roar.
This Stock dove showed some interest in a nest box. The hole looks like it has been made larger, but I am not sure who did that.
One of them surprised me by alighting on the ground and feeding. They are quite timid and keep to the trees. It is the first time I spot one on the ground in the park.
There has been about a dozen Greylags overwintering in Pearson Park, with a maximum of 45 on early February. They do not appear to roost in the park, but fly in every morning.

A mating pair of Mallards with a not very good looking drake interfering. The female is underwater, being held by the drake with the shiny green head.
The drake and female bathe while the interfering male swims away.
The Common Gull flock was still strong. They probably won't be around much longer.
There had been a light frost, but the pond in the wildlife garden was frost free, and full of clumps of frogspawn.
Mistle thrush feeding by the large puddles on the grass
Bunch of Feral Pigeons enjoying the sun.
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