Despite the not ideal weather forecast, I made a trip today to RSPB Bempton Cliffs. Although the sun shone before getting to Bridlington, a thick blanket of fog covered the Flamborough headland all the way to the reserve and beyond into the sea. The wardens in the visitor centre reassured me that birds were still visible at the cliffs. The foggy breeze was quite chilly and I was glad I took my raincoat and hat, but I would regret for more than one reason not to have taken my gloves as it will become clear later.
Despite the dismal weather, the Skylarks sung more invisible than ever from high within the mist, and even the Whitethroats and Reed Buntings were actively singing. I took the Nature Trail to start with, but there was little to see, other than the half carcass of a Guillemot or Razorbill probably eaten by a fox.
As I got to the cliffs the sea was not visible, and Guillemots and Razorbills could barely be told apart. I was cheered up by a couple of Puffins, and they were quite numerous at the cliffs today, I reckon I must have seen over 20.
The fog lifted up a bit, and when I reached Jubilee Corner the birds were easier to see. I spent some time taking photos of Gannets collecting grass for their nests, and when I turned to carry on my way I was confronted by this incongruous image:

A Razorbill, looking straight at me from the middle of the path. It had probably flown over the cliff confused by the poor visibility and, despite its best efforts, it was unable to lift itself from the ground by just flapping its tiny wings while running. I have previously found a Kittiwake stranded in this way, which could fly perfectly once facing the breeze coming over the cliffs, so I decided to capture the Razorbill and release it from a high vantage point with a clear run down the cliff. Unfortunately, after I took this single shot the bird decided it didn't like me, turned on its heels and run/flapped away from me quite fast despite its poorly placed little legs. After some pathetic chasing along the path, I was able to corner it against some long grass and catch it. The Razorbill protested immediately and it was most uncooperative, pecking my wrist - fortunately, together with watch strap - fiercely, showing its beautiful yellow mouth. Unfortunately, at that point the path was quite sunk, so I had to carry on walking with the angry Razorbill goring my wrist and complaining. I had its wings well under my hands, but having quite small hands and nil experience in handling Razorbills, I was unable to keep its head pointing forward. Finally, I spotted a suitable point of release and placed the bird on top of a fence post with a clear fall to the sea. Within a couple of seconds, it flew away, leaving me quite relieved and scratched.
Out of the eight species of marine birds that breed in the cliffs, I was able to see seven, missing only Shag.
A Swallow rests on top of the camera installed to be able to watch its nest from the visitor center.
Red Campion is at its best now in the reserve meadows.
The view toward the sea as I arrived at the cliffs
Herring gull
Kittiwake at nest
A pair of puffins.
Gannet collecting grass
Gannet in flight
Staple Newk
This grassy slope was favoured by a group of Gannets for collecting grass and other nesting material
Make some space, I'm landing!
More grass collecting
Displaying Gannet couple
The Gannet colony at Staple Newk
A close up of the tip of the Gannet colony. Not quite Bass Rock, but very impressive notwithstanding.
A squabble on the grass collecting slope
Grass collecting trip
This one found a feather
Spot the couple of puffins amongst the Guillemots
Tree sparrow
Now the gory stuff!
The remains of a frog by the pond at the Nature trail. I could hear some croaking.
The remains of a guillemot/razorbill
The state of my right wrist after the Razorbill incident. I would proudly carry Razorbill scars, but I think it won't be.
Bird list
- Blackbird
- Carrion Crow
- Chaffinch
- Collared Dove
- Dunnock
- Feral Pigeon
- Fulmar
- Gannet
- Goldfinch
- Greenfinch
- Guillemot
- Herring Gull
- Jackdaw
- Kittiwake
- Linnet
- Pheasant
- Pied Wagtail
- Puffin
- Razorbill
- Reed Bunting
- Robin
- Skylark
- Swallow
- Tree Sparrow
- Whitethroat
- Woodpigeon
- Wren