Saturday, 18 April 2009

Drewton Dale

We walk up Drewton Dale to Weedley Springs and back, a valley in the southernmost fringes of the Yorkshire Wolds, just north of South Cave. The easterly wind has brought us some cloud that failed to lift but despite the cool breeze it feels like spring is here. Many wildflowers on the dale. There are old Ash trees and many Hawthorns and I see some elms. From the Google Earth images, a combination of plantations and old forest is seen in the area. The landscape is rolling and very pleasant to walk and the highlight is the little stream, Drewton Beck, with flooded fields, dams and clear water springs. We see a fresh Peacock and various queen bumblebees (B. terrestris, B. lapidarius) a Vollucella bombilans and a Male Red Mining bee. Flowering plants include primroses -  a large patch growing on an inaccessible bank next to the disused Hull-Barnsley railway tunnel -, Cowslip, Ground Ivy, White Nettle, Marsh Marigolds, Violets, Blackthorn, Lesser Celandine, Daisies and Dandelions.
 We failed to see the Red Kites that breed in the area, but nevertheless the visit to Drewton Dale is well worth it.
Nursery Web Spider, Pisaura mirabilis
Peacock, Inachis io
Polyporus squamosus
Primroses, Primula vulgaris
1. Greylag, couple
2. Jackdaws
3. Rooks
4. Pheasants, lots!
5. Mallards, several in the beck and flooded banks
6. Robin
7. Blue tit
8. Kestrel
9. Willow/Marsh tit
10. Lapwing, nuptial flight
11. Chiffchaff, singing
12. Willow warbler, singing
13. Blackcap
14. Blackbird
15. Woodpigeon
16. Swallows, established in the farm buildings
17. HOUSE MARTINS first of year
18. Chaffinch
19. Greenfinch
20. Skylark
21. Moorhen
22. Song thrush
Birdwatching information at Birdnerd
Red Kites in Yorkshire

How to get there

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