Monday, 20 January 2025

Oak Road lake, River Hull and Bransholme reservoir

This is one of my favourite walks in Hull, along the River Hull from Oak Road to Reich Carter Way bridge. It is also very diverse, today's bird list tally was 46. The river meanders gently along, with green spaces on one side or the other. The fringing reed beds and occasional willows make the river floodbank more interesting. A Song Thrush is feeding near the wardens office at Oak Road playing fields. I walk around Oak Road Lake. A flock of Siskins are in the alders. There seem to be fewer Siskin about than last winter, where they were all around Hull. I join the river bank, the tide is quite high.

Song Thrush
A Cormorant and a Grey Heron were at Oak Road Lake.
The mute swan family with five cygnets.
Grey Heron.
One of the playing fields is flooded, and a flock of Canada Geese are making the best of it.
Reed Bunting at Ennerdale.
A flying Kestrel sent a flock of Goldfinches flying, but instead of flying away, they followed the Kestrel and some perched very close to it.
The resident pair of Buzzards were at the cycle track, each on its own lam post.
Some distant Gadwall (65) at the reservoir.
And good numbers of Teal (66)
Grey Wagtail (67) by the River Hull.
I reach the bridges and then return on the other side of the river, and from Oak Road I walk home for my well earned lunch, a total of 16 km walked
A Dunnock with some pox in its bill.
Grey Heron.
New Mistletoe clumps at Haworth House grounds.


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