Sunday 13 November 2022

A walk to The Deep for the November River Hull wetland bird survey

A misty day, I head towards Scott Street bridge and get there in time for the high tide, which is not too high today. Two Pied Wagtails and two Grey Wagtails on the way. There is little to report until a lone Redshank by Scale Lane Bridge. Later I catch up with a roost of 20 by The Deep. As I peek on the sea wall by the Deep, a female curlew is feeding by probing amongst the wall rocks. It glances at me and carries on feeding after a good stretch.

Immature Herring Gull.


Common Gull.

Herring Gull.

Some of the roost of Redshank, including the ringed one.

The tidal barrier in the mist.
At High Street, I check the ivy and I'm pleasantly surprised to spot several Nigma walckenaeri, including a females with 2 egg sacs.


Ralph Hancock said...

Splendid close-up of the Curlew.

Africa Gomez said...

Thank you Ralph, as an urban curlew, it does allow close approximation