Tuesday 16 March 2021

Hull urban birds. 13. Wintering Siskin

The Siskin is a tiny finch, a bit smaller than a Goldfinch, with a thin, pointy bill. Males have a yellow head with a black cap, bib and eye stripe, the female is very streaked and less yellow, but the wing bar and yellow side to tail aid in the identification.

Male Siskin by Oak Road Playing fields, 15/03/2021.

Siskins are gregarious during winter, joining in flocks that wander nomadically in search of seeds. Once they find a group of trees laden with cones, they might stay for a few days. In Hull, it is often found feeding on Alder, both the native species and the widely planted Italian Alder. They feed on the cones acrobatically like tits, sometimes hanging upside down. They can be easy to miss while they feed high in the treetops, but they have a very distinctive, squeaky call: peeeuh! that attracts attention. Occasionally the flock will start singing as they feed. They will also feed on the ground.

A flock of Siskins feeding under Alders at East Park, 29/02/2016.

Status and distribution in Hull

Although a scarce wintering species, it is found most years in Hull. As it is an irruptive species, some years it can be more frequent than others. 2020-2021 in particular, appears to have been a good winter for Siskins in Hull. Records are from September to April, but it is more consistently found in late winter and early spring, with a peak in February. Any street in the city with a group of Alders can attract Siskins, but more regular sites include Oak Road Playing Fields, Noddle Hill Nature reserve and along the River Hull north of the city. Siskins breed in suitable woodland around the UK, but population density is higher on the north and west of the UK. The nearest breeding populations are in the Wolds and North York Moors. Siskins are known to visit gardens, I'm not aware they do in Hull.


The Siskin is not a species of conservation concern. Although subject to population fluctuations, they seems to be enjoying an increasing trend, possibly benefiting from conifer plantations. 

A male feeding on Alders, part of a small flock by Oak Road Lake, 13/12/2020
Male Siskin by Oak Road Playing fields, 15/03/2021.
Male feeding on Italian Alder cones, Marlborough Avenue, 1/01/2016.
I don't have good photos of female Siskins taken in Hull, but here is one from Tophill Low, 25/02/2018.

More information
Broughton, R.K. 2002. Birds of the Hull area.
BTO Bird Facts. Siskin.

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