Thursday 2 June 2022

A visit to Beverley Minster

I heard the pair of local Peregrines at Beverley had bred on the box placed on the SW tower at the Minster and I took an early train to visit them. As I approached the Minster, the bells tolled 8 o'clock and I could already hear the Peregrines calling. 

Rooks and Jackdaws breed on or around the Minster, even Woodpigeons find it irresistible. One pair were nest building, while another was sitting on a nest on a ledge. I don't remember having seen Woodpigeons nesting on buildings before

A Woodpigeon nest with a view
Jackdaw on nest.

And then I spotted the Peregrines. The pair, sitting on separate gargoyles of the same tower, overlooking the nest box. They camouflage perfectly when sitting on gargoyles.

Swifts circled high above, chasing each other. The Peregrine sat sunning itself, lazily watching the bluebottles and the Swifts flying about.

At some point it took flight and started gaining height almost effortlessly, soaring higher over the Minster.

View from the field.

I walk around the Minster. I scan the nest box but I can't see inside, until two little heads come closer to the front and I can see the two chicks or 'eyasses', watching the world outside their nest.

A  head poking out.
Head and tail.
Both young on the right hand side.

The bell tolls 9am. I take a walk around the town. At Beverley Market square, I spot one of the Peregrines soaring. 

Loving the photo-bombing Swifts today.

I remember about the Chough on a coat of arms, and I find it, with a pair of Collared doves, which have chosen it as a nest site.

I check on the Peregrines again at the Minster and have some better views of the chichs. The bell tolls 11 and it's time to get my train back.

1 comment:

Ralph Hancock said...

Some lovely pictures. But how odd to see a Swift in November. I suppose the birds on nests were simply resting in their old premises. I've seen hole-nesting Jackdaws using their hole all year round.