As we arrive at the visitor centre, it's a bright and mild day with no wind. The tide is not very high and is already ebbing, with the tideline far from shore. House Sparrows are using the nest boxes set for Tree Sparrows, males chirping from the entrance. We make a quick stop at Canal Scrape, then start to walk towards the lighthouse. We take our lunch at the Narrows, after having been entertained looking at the sprouting plants, including carpets of Spring Neauty and tiny flowering Sea Mouse-ear.
Little Egret, Canal Scrape.
Gadwall, Canal Scrape.
Bill checks for insects in the saltmarsh.
There are many Oystercatchers on the mudflats, here with Curlew, Redshank and Grey Plover.
Eristalis tenax on Dandelion.
This Larinioides cornutus (I think!) had spun its silky retreat in a Wild Carrot seedhead.
A shy Roe Deer.
Trochosa sp. under a piece of chalk at the Potato Field.
The lighthouse in the horizon.
A tight flock of Brent Geese.
The lighthouse.
We turn round after popping in the lighthouse for a bit. The weather has turned and it is now cold and drizzling, the rain becoming more steady and impossible to ignore as we trundle back to the visitor centre.
A Stoat carrying prey as we arrive there is a great reward for our return walk.
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