Tuesday 10 August 2021

Urban birding at Hull: Sculcoates week 32

A mostly overcast morning, with brief sunny spells. Despite the weather, several Migrant Hawkers active and I had 10 later over the garden at the same time. I headed to the river first, as it was high tide. I couldn't find any Redshank and I wonder if the ones I saw last week would be on passage, rather than settled individuals. There was a 'creche' of Herring and Lesser Black-backed gulls on the river and the wall, with 17 juveniles and a few attending adults. At the cemetery I had the wonderful Volucella inanis, which completes the 4 species that I have recorded in Hull.
Volucella inanis, a hornet mimic hoverfly
The few short sunny spells were very effective getting the butterflies out and I ended up recording 8 species: Peacock, Red Admiral, Speckled Wood, Gatekeeper, Ringlet, Green-veined white, Small white, Large white.
Green-veined White.
Red Admiral.
In Abbey way, by the drain, tiny toadlets headed for the drain amongst the grass. I rescued this unfortunate one, who had fallen onto a plastic cup and couldn't escape. Litter is a trap and can kill.

A surprise was a couple of Lesser Whitethroats feeding on a willow.
Lesser Whitethroat.
There was a crow family on the playing fields, they kept sitting down on the grass and when I looked, they were anting. Even the young ones pulled grass and enjoyed being tickled by ants running amongst their feathers.
Anting crow.

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